
Create a web platform that would help English teachers to keep up with their students' progress. These teachers usually take care of several classes and need to manage many students at the same time.

Preparar - Processo Cafetivo


At the beginning of the project, we had to better understand the day-to-day life of Edusim's English teachers. These teachers do not use traditional teaching methods, they teach more in a practical way, using Edusim's chatbot.

At Edusim, students interact through a chatbot to do vocabulary, grammar and conversation exercises. In this scenario teachers have a more guiding role, selecting the activities and giving support in the exercises.

To map out this new teacher profile, we talked to some teachers who used Chatbot and the CEO of Edusim. See Lilian's Empathy Map, an English teacher:

Empathy map: Liliam (English teacher)


After immersing ourselves in this new model of teaching English, we began to sketch some solutions.

The biggest challenge of this project was to create a macro view of each student's progress. In this way, the teacher could quickly see where the difficulties of each student are and have a parameter of how the classroom is progressing.

To evaluate students' progress, Edusim uses a method called CEFR. This method looks like an array of skills and competences that frames students at levels A, B, and C.

In this project, we made wireframes to work on information architecture and prototype quickly. See the wireframe of the student profile page:

Wireframe: Página de perfil do aluno

Wireframe: Student profile page

After a few rounds of feedback, we made a more refined version of the prototype using Sketch. See the page mockup for the list of students in a class:

Mockup: Página de lista de alunos

Mockup: Student list page

Note that in this list, the teacher is able to have a comparative view of the student's evolution. In each student line of the table, the squares represent activities that need to be done through the Chatbot.


In this project our company wasn't hired for carrying out usability testing or other sort of validation. We only helped the developers to code our prototypes, handing off the assets/documentation and clarifying doubts.

Gabriel Sá e Farias

Designer de Produto e fundador da 7bits (https://7bits.cc), uma consultoria especializada em UX/UI design
Publicado em . Atualizado em 28/01/2019

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